How To Expand Your Job Applicant Pool Using Social Media

In our previous quick tip video, we discussed the most important step you need to take to expand your applicant pool: posting your job opening to multiple places.

One of those places definitely should be on social media. Social media, particularly pay-to-play opportunities, not only helps you expand your audience, but also allows you to target your ideal candidates specifically. (Last quick tip video)

Facebook is an easy tool, and it’s one that most people are on. If you pay for ads on Facebook, it’s really easy to target down to niches and locations to ensure you’re showing up in front of your desired audience. But Facebook now skews to the older crowd, so if you’re looking for entry-level or similar hires, like Gen Z or younger Millennials, they’re less likely to be there. Next-gen applicants favor Instagram, TikTok, SnapChat, and others. Or if you’re looking to diversify your employee base to include more women, Pinterest might be a good platform to target.

This doesn’t mean you have to become a TikTok or Instagram expert, it means you need to connect with your marketing department or leverage an outside agency to help you use those platforms. Instead of marketing your company or your products, you’re going to market your job opportunities to get in front of younger candidates.

Social media is a critical component to reaching potential job applicants. But it’s important to recognize that where you’re hanging out isn’t necessarily where the people you are hoping to hire are hanging out. Take some time to think about your ideal hire—where are they likely hanging out and how can you get in front of them?

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel where my team and I deliver recruiting + hiring practices to you EVERY WEEK. 

If you think this is something your team could use, please sign up for a free, no-obligation discovery call with us and our team would be happy to help you.



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Rikka’s the go-to girl for growth-minded Building Products Owners and Executives who want to hire the right people to take their manufacturing, distribution, or retail business to the next level.

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