Sample Template to Communicate with Staff

Sample Template to Communicate with Staff

 Stuck about What to Say?
Here is a starter outline/content to get you going.


 Dear (person),

Supporting our valued staff is important to (COMPANY NAME), particularly in times of crisis and uncertainty.  This weekly newsletter serves to keep you informed and will serve as a resource and inspiration during this period.  It is our sincerest hope that we can see you in person. In the meantime, we hope this weekly newsletter will help you.

Important Company News/Announcements
This is where you will announce any important company- and public safety-related news and other information affecting the well-being of your community.

Meeting Schedule
This is where you can post any company- or department-wide meeting announcements, including date, time, group, subject, link to the online meeting, and entry credentials.  Please include language that any meetings that are added to this schedule will be sent to participants via email.

Virtual Social Schedule
Hosting some fun social virtual activities to keep your staff spirits up?  This is where you can announce those. For each event, include date, time, department (if needed), subject, link to the online meeting, and entry credentials

Kids Corner
We know you and your family are adjusting to many changes during this time.  Here’s a starter list of some activities you can get your kids involved with, to take their mind off the quarantines and keep busy.

  • Arts/crafts projects
  • Music, dance, playwriting and acting
  • Cooking/baking
  • Science projects
  • Reading and creative writing
  • Watching educational programming and creating a project inspired by what they watched
  • Exercise and indoor sports (or outdoor in a private yard)
  • Helping to organize the garage, basement, kitchen, or another area of the house
  • Start a business plan for an age-appropriate venture
  • Have a listening day where you share the music you loved at their age
  • For teens, volunteer with a local agency to help them make fundraising outreach phone calls, or have them shadow you while you do work for a few days

Need Assistance?
If you or a member of your family is experiencing a hardship at this time, we ask you to reach out to your direct manager for support.  (PERSON) in Human Resources can help you source additional resources and discuss how our Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) may be of value to you and your family.

Call to Action:

We encourage you to take the opportunity to connect with friends and family, and to catch up on professional and personal health and development.

We’d love to hear ideas from you about activities, coping strategies, and resources you have found!  Please email (PERSON) in (DEPARTMENT) to submit them, and we will publish them in the next issue.  Please include any relevant links.

For even more content throughout the week, we hope you will participate in our Facebook Group (INCLUDE LINK)



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