Turning the Great Resignation into a Great Recruiting Opportunity

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Has fear around the negative impacts of the Great Resignation stopped you from seeing the Great Recruiting opportunity? 

It’s nearly impossible to read the news without hearing about the massive impacts that the Great Resignation has had on the workplace. A record breaking number of people have given their notice and decided to leave their jobs.  We’re seeing quite a few adjustments in what candidates are looking for: a desire for a better work-life harmony and wanting to be truly valued by their employers rank at the top of the list! This makes employees far more likely to be open to making a change and much more likely to return calls from recruiters. It’s easy to let fear creep in that you might be at risk for losing some of your key players, but it also presents an incredible opportunity. 


Implement these three key strategies to turn the Great Resignation into a Great Recruiting opportunity: 


Value the talent you already have: 

Of course we need to bring the right people in the front door, but if we’re losing people out the back door it just won’t help. It’s critical to be intentional about creating a culture where people want to come and stay. We need to remember our employees are feeling exhausted, they’ve endured a great amount of change. It’s important to recognize and acknowledge the work they’ve been doing. Surprise and delight them! Consider giving accolades publicly or gift them a bonus day off. I encourage you to get creative with the ways you can show them you value them as individuals and their contributions to the company. Take care of the people you already have. 


Tighten up your Talent Brand

Develop an employer brand that will turn you into a talent magnet! Are you actively demonstrating your core values? Have you been taking opportunities to talk about the ways you demonstrate these values in your social media or in any of your advertising? Let the world know that you donate to numerous causes and give back to the community. Share  the perks you offer to your employees – perhaps an incredible health care plan or mental health days. Consider keeping a cheat sheet on your desk for ways you can sell your company to the market. Give potential candidates a small taste of the employee experience so they want to learn more!


Build Your Social Proof 

This is a great opportunity to get strategic about showcasing your company culture and making it truly visible to the outside. Treat your employees so well that they feel inspired to leave positive employer reviews (and don’t be afraid to incentivize this!). Glassdoor and Indeed profiles are an easy place to start. Consider  your social media presence. Recent data reflects that over 62% of job seekers will evaluate a company based on their social media before ever applying to a job! Think about any local opportunities you can leverage to get the word out. 

It’s easy to dwell on the negative connotations of the Great Resignation, but I encourage you to reframe your thinking. This is an incredible time to really uplevel your company culture, show your current employees how much you value them and openly communicate how you provide a purpose driven environment – leaving you with the Great Recruiting Opportunity. 



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Rikka’s the go-to girl for growth-minded Building Products Owners and Executives who want to hire the right people to take their manufacturing, distribution, or retail business to the next level.

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