
How To Use LinkedIn Groups For Recruiting

LinkedIn is a pretty fantastic tool for recruiting. I use it on all of my searches and have made some really great connections. Besides just having a personal page and a Company page, LinkedIn provides a lot of opportunities for networking and social recruiting.

LinkedIn Groups is another great tool for developing social recruiting skills. It allows for very targeted access of professionals who have the background you are searching for. Generally, I find most people on LinkedIn are open to networking so it is a very “safe” place to try your hand at recruiting.

LinkedIn Groups For Recruiting

1. Set your goals and expectations

Why are you taking the time and energy to join groups? What are you hoping to get out of this? How much time can you realistically put in? Get specific about who you want to connect with and why you are joining each group.

Don't feel like you have to join every single group – some have little to no activity and others are chock full of just job postings.

2. Find the right groups

There are many groups on Linkedin. You can drill down by industry, by channel, and by position type. Check out this page to learn how to search LinkedIn groups.

3. Be active and participate

Just joining groups isn't enough, you have to get into the mix. Being in a group doesn't automatically get you more visibility, contacts, and projects. You want to be active in them – posting comments and questions, answering queries, sharing residential building products news and information and occasionally posting jobs.

A wise woman once told me – go 3 and deep. So, pick 1-3 groups you can actively participate in and then start being active.

Post frequently since LinkedIn promotes top contributors and gives content recognition. Steady activity should lead to more interaction, network growth and will build trust.

4. ADVANCED: Create your own LinkedIn Group

Building and managing your own group provides you with many advantages. You could build more company awareness within your niche, nurture valuable industry relationships, highlight your own content, facilitate connections, generate interest and inquiries and entice group members to become clients or employees.


  • Use keywords in the name and description – they are critical in attracting the right members.
  • Craft a strict group policy you want the group to abide. Reiterate the rules regularly and in multiple places.
  • Screen requests & discussion points. You'll create a perception of exclusivity and keep topics relevant. It takes time but builds a quality group!
  • Maximize the Group Announcements feature – you can send one communication weekly, directly to the email addresses of your members. Share helpful and meaningful insights.
  • Since this is your group, lead it! Spend time being active in the group. By being the spokesperson of the group, you can gain your members’ trust and respect.
  • If you don't have the time or the inclination to run a group, I wouldn't recommend you start one. Not doing it is better than it being haphazard.

5. Post a job

Just like on your Profile, in Groups you can add a Job Posting in the status update box. Select “Post A Job” when you create it. Depending on group members' settings, this posting will be sent out as an email to all group members. If members are not fit for the particular job, they may know someone who is.

6. Engage your employees

Your employees best represent the brand of your business. Amplify your business impact by encouraging them to actively participate. Be sure you provide training and rules of use for using LinkedIn on behalf of the company.

LinkedIn Groups are an awesome tool in your social recruiting arsenal. I highly recommend you invest some time in groups!



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Rikka’s the go-to girl for growth-minded Building Products Owners and Executives who want to hire the right people to take their manufacturing, distribution, or retail business to the next level.

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