Why I Love Video Interviews
If you found a genie tomorrow, I bet two things you might wish for would be time and money. They are easily something everyone could use more of. I have been diligently working on a time
If you found a genie tomorrow, I bet two things you might wish for would be time and money. They are easily something everyone could use more of. I have been diligently working on a time
Your low performers bring the whole team down, and this isn’t fair to your other employees who have to work harder to make up the difference. Here are some signs it is time to finally fire that sales rep.
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act allocated $350 billion to help small businesses keep workers employed amid the pandemic and economic downturn. Known as the Paycheck Protection Program, the initiative provides 100% federally guaranteed loans to small businesses.
Stuck about What to Say? Here is a starter outline/content to get you going.
For building product manufacturers and distributors, the quality of your hiring process can mean the difference between employing high performers and having to settle for mediocrity. Here are some hiring process mistakes you should avoid if
Let’s start by asking a hard question, do you even have a recruiting process? Or are you rather, are you just trusting that in this digital world, that it should be easy to find and engage qualified people?
Understanding the true cost of a bad hire can be a very complicated prospect. In most cases even veteran HR professionals and hiring managers drastically underestimate the financial cost, they estimate it is in the thousands. Some studies show that the price of a new hire can be as much as 30% of their first year’s salary. Other estimates can get as high as $240,000 in the first 18 months with a “bad” new hire. This really shows just how detrimental a bad hire can be in any company, and it takes most hiring professional by complete surprise, blowing their assumed “thousands” out of the water.
When you ask a CEO or sales manager about the cost of a bad sales hire the first thing they are likely to bring up is the actual cost of hiring. I.E. on-boarding, training and benefits, and while this may be very expensive most companies seem to leave it at that.
How happy are you with your recruiter? Do you suspect that the money you spend is being wasted? Take a good look at how the recruiting effort is going. If you see any of these five signs, take that as reason enough to make a change.
6 Benefits of Working With an Engaged Building Products Search Firm Using an engaged, building products search firm is a great way to fill empty positions within your company. Particularly positions that require a specific set
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